Global Players


for the wood industry

Colombo Eredi
at a glance

The Group, established in 1961, has its operating Italian headquarters at Villasanta with subsidiaries, stores equipment and global network agents throughout the world, is supplying individual machinery or complete facilities to the worldwide wood mills and is the leader in pre-owned or fully refurbished equipment for wood-based panels industries with the focus in the solutions for peeled, sliced and decorative veneers, plywood, blockboards and LVL productions.

2025 will mark the 64th anniversary of the Group, with over 169 complete plants transferred in 128 Countries in the globe, we are the leading provider of pre-owned and fully refurbished solutions committed to the principles of “COLOMBO EREDI APPROVED”.
With more than 64th years' experience into the commissioning and the relocation of equipment and using our unique state of the art in renewing technology, the Group focused on establishing new standards in the reconditioning and in the advanced package services.

Be smart, buy second-hand with the best investment efficiency, choosing the state of the art of the biggest group in the technologies for overhaul of boards equipment.

Mr. COLOMBO Gianpasquale was COLOMBO EREDI’s C.E.O. since on 1961, year of the company’s establishment under the name COLOMBO EREDI & CREMONA S.A.S. up to 1992 when he died of cancer, he was “the changing’s man”, the pioneer in the PRE-OWNED and FULLY REFURBISHED Woodworking Equipment, together with Mr. GALBIATI Enrico. Mr. COLOMBO Gianpasquale’s Family was a co-founder of COLOMBO&CREMONA Firm, established in 1892 at “LA SANTA”, MONZA’s district and it was the world leading and pathfinder veneers equipment manufacturer.

The Group is working in his memory and on the basis of his teaching, defining the way that we conduct business through our four main values; the Correctness, the Respect, the Seriousness and the Professionalism settled in 1961 and to this day valid for every business contact with our customers.

OURMission & Vision

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